Wednesday, March 9, 2011

First Bag

My excess undies in the bag

So, I’m participating in a challenge that will help me have a cleaner heart as well as a de-cluttered home
This is bag one.  I cleaned out my underwear.  I found underwear from size small to XX large.  I won’t say which size I’m currently wearing... but as of today, the drawer only holds the size I currently wear {and the underwear I actually wear} and a few in a smaller size, as I’m losing weight.  The remainder of the underwear (this one contains only panties and slips) is in this bag.  There is another bag full of  various pieces of lingere.

I chose to begin with undergarments because they are so intimate.  They are the unseen scraps that I wear closest to my body. They protect my clothes. They hide my secret places. I feel safe when they are firmly in place. They keep my inner-most modesty intact. They cover those are places I don’t want anyone else to see. Very personal places.  Not-for-public-view sorts of places.

This cast off underwear reminds me that I have very personal things in my heart that I want to cover with something.  I think I can hide them from the world, and in fact I probably can.   I think that these things can be covered, but they cannot.  I cannot hide them from God, who sees and knows the deepest recesses of my heart.  My personal.  My intimate.  My shameful pride.

Create in me a clean heart, O God…and restore a right spirit within me.  My prayer for life and my prayer for lent.

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