Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bag Number Two

My bag today honors my husband.  I cleaned out {with his permission} his T-shirt drawer.  There were a blue million T-shirts in that drawer, some that preceded my existence in his life. 

The ones in the bag are all frayed, stained and well-worn.  They sport some college logos {Go Dawgs!}, Red Cross Blood Drive slogans {he's a devoted donor}, automotive references {he's a garage kind of guy}, as well as various and sundry odd pieces for volunteer activities and rock bands.

As I unfolded the shirts, checking for holes, spots, stains...and I'll have to admit, shirts I just don't like, I was reminded again of one of his endearing qualities.  He uses a thing until it has lost its utility.  He is one who will fix a thing and continue to use it rather than simply trash it for something newer, shinier, more high-tech.

Case in point:  his lawnmower.  He bought a 2-stroke Lawn Boy when he moved into this house 22 years ago.  He has mowed the lawn every week {sort of...almost...usually} of the summer for those years.  Since I've been more-or-less a permanent part of the household, for the past 15 years, that Lawn Boy has been repaired several times.  I've helped him several times as he took apart and fixed it himself. He's taken it to a lawnmower repair shop and paid someone else to fix it.  I offered, once, to purchase a new one for him for Father's Day.  He declined.  He said, "Mollianne, this mower works just fine.  No need to get another one."

Not many folks are willing to take the time to fix something that is broken.  Especially when they have the means to purchase a new, snazzy replacement.  But my Rocket Man is just that type of man.  His character runs deep and he enjoys giving new life to things that others might toss out. 

Those shirts, those well-worn shirts, remind me that there are things worth fixing and holding onto.  Even in this season of Lent when I'm trying to learn to let go.  Things that I carry in my heart that are worth repair and re-evaluation.  Relationships.  Memories. Attitudes.  Circumstances.  How easily I have tossed aside a relationship that is torn, rather than try to mend it?  Hateful the trash before I've learned from them!  Bad attitudes tossed out for all to see.  Circumstances wallowed in as opposed to facing them and attempting to give them new life.

As I lovingly place these shirts that he has worn-and worn out- in the bag, I am offering a prayer of praise for the man who teaches me the value of having less disposable tendencies.  And asking for the wisdom to know when to hold onto something and when to let it go. 


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